Do you know that a report from Statista demonstrates that there were about 32,000 arson instances recorded in the US during the year 2019 alone? This is the highest number of cases recorded in a single year. Out of these recorded cases, most of them were burning structures, while some of them were reported as burning vehicles. With so many cases registered, it is crucial for you to hire us as your experienced property crime attorney in Mississippi. At the Law Firm of Tangi Carter & Associates P.A., we have competent and seasoned attorneys with experience in all ranges of arson charges.

We strive to bring the court’s best conceivable results with a standalone defense strategy that can save you from harsh consequences. So, if you are charged with arson, you are in the right place to seek advice. As your trusted arson defense lawyer in Mississippi, we cover all the necessary information that you must know about arson. So, without any further delay, read the blog below to find out more about the legal consequences of arson.

Different kinds of arson in Mississippi and their penalties

Mississippi law fetches you different types of arson cases that are handled with different strategies. Every crime has its own unique scenario. So, it needs focused attention that will work best to protect your rights.

Firing Marsh, Woods, and Meadows

If you are willingly setting the woods, marshes, and meadows on fire, then you are charged with arson. Any natural surroundings that are not within your property must not be set on fire as per Mississippi law. So, if it doesn’t belong to you, committing such a crime brings you a felony charge. The penalties may be relatively mild, but they can waste your valuable time. Two years in prison and a fine up to $1000 are what you can expect at the very least. Similarly, if the woods catche fire due to your negligence, you will be facing a misdemeanor charge instead. You can contact us as your trusted arson trial lawyer in Mississippi to get the best legal advice.

1st Degree Arson

When you are willingly, in all your senses, setting fire to a dwelling, whether it is vacant or occupied, you will get charged with 1st-degree arson. This is serious and can have your potential time in jail with hefty fines. A minimum of five to twenty years of jail time with forceful compensation for the damage to the properties are the consequences of first-degree arson.

Second-degree Arson

When you are in all your senses willingly setting fire to a large building or a structure, you will be charged with second-degree arson. The consequences are more serious, as the losses are also greater. One to ten years in prison with compensation for the damage is the consequence you must expect.

Third-degree arson

When you willingly set fire to someone else’s property worth $25 or less, then it’s a third-degree felony. The Mississippi law doesn’t allow you to set fire to someone’s personal property. Whether it is $25 or $25000, you would be punished as per the consequences. A third-degree arson will have your potential time in jail for up to three years when you are accused as guilty. So you need your trusted property crime defense attorney in Mississippi to save you from such harsh consequences.

Fourth-degree arson

Fourth-degree arson is a criminal offense that applies when you attempt to set any property, building, or above-mentioned structures on fire. You must focus on the word “attempt” here. Fourth-degree arson is all about attempting and not being successful in setting the fire. This is also a criminal offense that can have you in prison for one to two years with a fine of up to $1000. When you are seen placing the flammable material on any property and the prosecution proves that you would have returned to set it on fire, you will be charged with fourth-degree arson.

Potential defenses for Arson

Now that you know about the consequences of arson charges, it is time for you to know how, as the best legal representation for property crimes in Mississippi, we defend your rights and save you from serious consequences.

Lack of criminal intent

One of the most prevalent defense strategies is showcasing that you lack criminal intent. We will aggressively defend you to prove that you didn’t have the intention to set any property on fire. However, each state has different consequences and definitions of arson. In Mississippi, you can prove the lack of intent by searching or investigating the scenarios. As your seasoned arson defense lawyer in Mississippi at the law firm of Tangi Carter & Associates P.A., we bring the most captivating arguments and the expert’s testimony to make sure you are not facing any serious consequences.

Accidental fire

Another prominent way of defending yourself is by proving that the fire was caused by accident and not by you. Our research team and property crime attorney in Mississippi will thoroughly investigate to find faulty wiring in the electricity to prove it was accidental damage. 

False Accusation

One more way to defend your charges was by proving false allegations against you. As your trusted arson trial lawyer in Mississippi, we build a strong defense strategy and examine all the evidence to prove all the allegations against you as unethical and baseless. We make sure to argue that the opposite party wanted to take personal grudges, so they have falsely accused you of arson. Sometimes a lack of evidence also plays a major role. We take this opportunity to prove that there is no sufficient evidence to support your charges.


Wrapping up, these are the consequences of the arson in Mississippi, along with the potential defense strategies. At the Law Firm of Tangi Carter & Associates P.A., we make sure to implement every defense strategy that can protect your rights. So, get in touch with us to get the court’s best results.

Contact the law firm of Tangi Carter & Associates P.A. today!Facing an arson charge? Don’t panic! Get immediate assistance with the best possible strategy to defeat the prosecution. Call us at 601-544-1313 or send us an email at We will get back to you as soon as possible with a free consultation.

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